Welcome to the first Vissensa Newsletter
At Vissensa, we wanted to find a new way of letting everyone know what we have been getting up to, and help them to feel a little closer to us. This is why we have decided to put together this – The Vissensa Newsletter. We want to keep you up-to-date with the latest news from us, and the wider world of IT. We will be sharing our most recent blogs, products, facts and tips, as well as providing an insight into what we have been up to behind the scenes.
The relationship we have with the people we work with is at the forefront of what we strive to do within the business, and we hope that this newsletter will go on to strengthen that in the future, whilst keeping you in the IT loop.
What is Email Spoofing? – Ensuring Secure Email Communication
Email spoofing is one of the biggest security challenges facing businesses today, with attacks becoming more and more sophisticated as awareness about them increases. The first battle is understanding what tactics are being employed by cybercriminals and the impact this can have on your business. Once this is understood, it is time to start exploring the tactics you can employ to prevent yourself falling victim to such an attack.
Looking into possible solutions and proactive approaches to protecting yourself in an important step and, if this sounds daunting, then don’t worry, we have just the blog for you below:
What Have We Been Up To?
It has been a busy few months for us here at Vissensa, setting us up very nicely for the new financial year.
We have hired some great people across all departments, adding to the expertise offered within the business, and we are already very excited about how well they have settled in.
As the company continues to look forward to the future, these experts will help us to provide the top services that we pride ourselves on.
We are also excited to announce that we will be sponsoring the next Bournemouth LinkedIn Local event at the Village Hotel, Bournemouth on Thursday 20th June and organised by the wonderful Beverley Poole.
Tickets will cost £20 and we are very proud to have chosen MYTIME Young Carers as the charity to receive all proceeds from this event.
All businesses are welcome to attend, and we hope that you can be one of them!
The latest member of the marketing team, Emily Osborn, has been hard at work producing a video that gives you a real insight into what our Professional IT Consultancy Team gets up to in order to deliver the unique value we offer our partners. This is another avenue through which we hope to lift the lid on Vissensa and show what we’re up to behind the scenes:
Our blogs on security:
With Security In Mind – Did You Know?
- According to the NCSC, a recent UK government report found that 32% of small businesses experienced a breach or cyber-attack in the last 12 months, and one of the most common techniques criminals use is to send fake emails that impersonate your organisation.
Also Worth Noting:
Many companies completed their Cyber Essentials accreditation during 2023/24 but this accreditation needs to be retaken every 12 months in order for the company to continue to be Cyber Essentials accredited – is yours due?
We Are Here To Help
Optimisation of your business security processes are key if you want to get the most out of your services. At Vissensa, we can help make these big changes, with little disruption to you and the running of your business, all you need to do is get in touch!
We also provide a wide range of industry recognised, complete managed IT services for businesses of all sizes. From secure hosting to IT support, our comprehensive solutions drive businesses forward.